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The Japanese experience - inevitable: [on the occasion of the exhibition "The Japanese Experience - Inevitable", June 9 - July 14, 2002, Ursula-Blickle-Stiftung, Kraichtal ; Takash...

Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Brehm, Margrit (Editor), Murakami, Takashi (Other), Heil, Axel (Other), Ursula Blickle Stiftung (Other)
Title: The Japanese experience - inevitable: [on the occasion of the exhibition "The Japanese Experience - Inevitable", June 9 - July 14, 2002, Ursula-Blickle-Stiftung, Kraichtal ; Takashi Murakami ...]/ ed. by Margrit Brehm. [Transl.: Pauline Cumbers ...]
Language: German, English, Japanese
Ostfildern-Ruit Hatje Cantz 2002
Item Description: 204 Seiten; überw. Ill; 25 cm ; Text in engl. und dt. Sprache. - Buchhandelsausg
ISBN: 3775712542

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Holdings Details from GfZK Leipzig
GfZK Leipzig Call Number: 30.15 Kraichtal U. Bickle Stiftg. 2002:2