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Renaissance Florence: the art of the 1470s ; [this book was published to accompany an exhibition at The National Gallery, London, 20 October 1999 - 16 January 2000]

Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Rubin, Patricia Lee (Author), Wright, Alison (Author), Penny, Nicholas (Other), The National Gallery (Other)
Title: Renaissance Florence: the art of the 1470s ; [this book was published to accompany an exhibition at The National Gallery, London, 20 October 1999 - 16 January 2000]/ Patricia Lee Rubin and Alison Wright with contributions by Nicholas Penny
Language: English
Rezensiert in: Ames-Lewis, Francis, 1943 - : [Rezension von: Patricia Lee Rubin, Alison Wright (Hg.), Renaissance florence - Bernard Aikema, Beverly Louise Brown (Hg.), Il Rinascimento a Venezia e la pittura del Nord ai tempi de Bellini, Dürer, Tiziano] ,
Emison, Patricia: [Rezension von: Rubin, Patricia Lee, Renaissance Florence: The Art of the 1470s]
Item Description: 360 S; zahlr. Ill; 29 cm ; Literaturverz. S. 346 - 351
ISBN: 185709266X