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Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster: Volcanic excursion : a vision$h

Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique (Artist), Vereinigung Bildender KünstlerInnen Wiener Secession (Issuing body, Organizer), Revolver ein Label der Vice Versa Distribution GmbH (Publisher)
Title: Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster: Volcanic excursion : a vision$h
Language: English
Berlin Revolver Publishing 2021
© 2021
Subjects: Sammlungskünstler*in der GfZK , besondere Buchgestaltung
Item Description: 64 Seiten; 1 Leporello ; Impressum: This artist's book is published on the occasion of the exhibition 'dominicque gonzalez-foerster. volcanic excursion. a vision', at the secession, july 2-september 5, 201" ; Faltschachtel mit Faltblatt "Volcanic excursion (a vision) panorama" und Broschur (Leporello) "Index and references brochure"
ISBN: 9783957635044

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Holdings Details from GfZK Leipzig
GfZK Leipzig Call Number: 08 Gonza D 2021:1