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Between Mušku and the Aramaeans: the early history of Guzana/Tell Halaf

Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Novák, Mirko (Author)
Title: Between Mušku and the Aramaeans: the early history of Guzana/Tell Halaf/ Mirko Novák
Language: English
Series: Novák, Mirko: Schriften von Mirko Novák. ; 83
Item Description: 1 Online-Ressource ; Aus: Yener, Kutlu Aslihan (Hrsg.): Across the border: Late Bronze–Iron Age relations between Syria and Anatolia. Leuven 2013, pp. 293-309 (Ancient Near Eastern Studies : Supplement ; 42) ; Elektronische Reproduktion der Druckausgabe
DOI: 10.11588/propylaeumdok.00004459